2 June 2024, Sunday, 8:23
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EU called not to extradite political refugees to Minsk

EU called not to extradite political refugees to Minsk

Representatives of Belarusian democratic forces call on the governments of the EU countries not to extradite political refugees to the Belarusian authorities.

Representatives of the organizing committees to create the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party (BCD), “Salidarnasts Razam” movement and Young Front (the Czech Republic) held a press conference in Minsk on July 18. They spoke about a threat of extraditing political refugees as accused of committing criminal offences, “Salidarnasts” writes.

“The message of the today’s press conference is to urge the European Union not to cooperate with official Minsk in what concerns the extradition of refugees on political motives unless minimal legal norms are being fulfilled in Belarus,” the leader of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, Vital Rymasheuski, noted.

Anastasia Palazhanka, the deputy chair of Young Front, the organization registered in the Czech Republic, drew attention of the press to the fact that a lot of Belarusian political refugees may be extradited to Belarus.

“Andrei Zhukavets has been living in Poland for 1o years. He is under a threat of extradition. He may face up to nine years in prison in Belarus,” Nasta noted. “It the authorities of any European state will make a precedent, other countries can follow them.”

Businessman Andrei Zhukavets rendered financial aid to the Belarusian democratic forces, but having faced prosecution, he had to leave the country. Palazhanka says certain Polish judges find it possible to take into account the evidence given by Belarusian investigators.

“Belarusian political refugees live in Lithuania, Ukraine and Poland. A lot of them do not want to obtain a status of a refugee, that’s why they are under the constant threat of extradition,” Rymasheuski noted. “Investigators still continue to visit the home of leader of “Salidarnasts Razam” movement Vyachaslau Siuchyk, who had to flee to Ukraine, and ask where he is. If the extradition takes place, a great number of people will found themselves under the real threat of politically motivated imprisonment in Belarus.”

The politician reminded that Zhukevets had once been arrested by the Polish authorities and gone on hunger strike until former Polish president Lech Kaczynski (then Prosecutor General) interfered in the affair.

Deputy head of “Salidarnasts Razam” movement Alyaksadnr Makaeu said the threat of extradition of the businessman, who helped the democratic forces financially, would be an example for those businessmen who continue to render aid to the opposition. The authorities intimidate businessmen putting off their desire to help the opposition.

“The acting Belarusian legislation allows fabricating a criminal case against an uncomfortable businessman or a firm. The example of former presidential candidate Dzmitry Uss proves this,” Makaeu noted.

The organizers of the press conference think it is necessary to draw attention of the public to the question that can become a real problem for scores of people who had to leave Belarus, the country with over 30 political prisoners.

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