2 June 2024, Sunday, 3:56
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Belarusian CEC secretary: “These morons have placed us under house arrest”

Belarusian CEC secretary: “These morons have placed us under house arrest”

Mikalai Lazavik believes that Western observers should not be invited for monitoring Belarusian “election.”

They would not be invited until the European Union lifts visa sanctions, including the ones against the organizers of the previous, presidential election.

“I have a proposal not to invite them at all. And if we are going to invite them, they should be invited only after they lift visa sanctions,” said the secretary of the Belarusian Central Election Commission to Interfax-Zapad on Wednesday.

“It should probably be the main condition for inviting European officials as observers, no matter whether they would be ambassadors from the EU countries or international organizations which had fabricated the results of observation,” M. Lazavik asid.

Besides, as said by him, “it would be rather indecorous to invite the OSCE mission.” “In fact, through a fault of the OSCE we are under a house arrest, we cannot go to Europe. Let’s ask ourselves, in what capacity European officials will come to us: as observers or as wardens? It’s most likely that they are to be wardens. I would not invite them at all, for them not to lose face,” the representative of the CEC stressed. M. Lazavik noted that “it is my personal opinion, these issues are not decided by me, but by state institutions in accordance with the Constitution: the president and the parliament.”

M. Lazavik informed that earlier a group of the CEC members sent a letter to the European Union. They asked about the grounds for divesting them of the right to go to Europe. “The answer matches my characterization of European officials – “Euro-moronism,” stated the secretary of the commission. He quoted the answer received from the office of the Secretary General of the EU Council. “The Council believes that information in your letter does not give good reason for lifting limitations and measures of the EU against you. The Council remains of the same opinion that the restrictive measures against you are justified. The members of the CEC Bushnaya, Buschyk, Kisyalyouva and Padalyak had been put on the list of the Council of the EU concerning restrictive measures against president Lukashenka and some officials on the following grounds: “a member of the CEC,” M. Lazavik quoted.

“It means that membership in the CEC is a crime, according to European officials. I cannot respect those European bureaucrats who without any grounds limit rights and freedoms of citizens only because they occupy a certain position,” the secretary of the Belarusian CEC said.

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