Mikalai Autukhovich: “I found from newspapers about other political prisoners”
2- 1.11.2012, 12:27

A political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich cannot mail to other political prisoners.
According to the Criminal Code prisoners are forbidden to be in correspondence with other prisoners. That is why all the information about confederates and comrades they get from newspapers. Mikalai Autukhovich writes that he receives a lot of letters and books – he hardly manages to read and respond, the human rights center Viasna reports.
“Everything is good with my health as far as it is possible. I am not a boy anymore and life tried me quite a bit”, - he points out in the letter.
The political prisoner writes that there is a library in the Grodno prison, but so far he did not use it: “They send me books by registered mail. I do not manage to read everything. I receive a lot of newspapers; it takes time to looks through them, to respond to the letters and there is barely time left after all. But I do read, one unread book is left”.
Mikalai Autukhovich is thankful for the support and solidarity of the people many of whom he did not even know before the imprisonment. And now he is in constant correspondence with them. Though not of the political prisoner’s letters reach their addressees and vice versa, some of them do not pass the censorship.