17 February 2025, Monday, 17:11
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KGB hires trolls urgently?


A freelance site offers a project to troll pro-opposition Internet forums in Belarus.

Several projects appeared on a Russian freelance site offering 10 dollars for writing anti-opposition posts on Belarusian pro-opposition forums. One of the job offers names the website “Belorusski Partizan”. The employer has not scruples about calling the job “support of the ruling regime”.

“All websites are political and pro-opposition. The sense of your posts is adequate comments, fully falling in with the views of a patriotic-minded person supporting the ruling regime (you need to argue with an article in comments). Should write on about 10 topics. Posts from different accounts as a conversation between two users preferred some themes. Posts are not long, from 100 to 400-450 signs,” the job offer reads.

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