21 September 2024, Saturday, 3:52
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Belarusian killed in Yemen is brother of theatre director Valery Mazynski

Belarusian killed in Yemen is brother of theatre director Valery Mazynski

The name of the Barysau resident, who was killed in Yemen's capital on November 26, was revealed.

Anatoly Mazynski is the young bother of well-known Belarusian theatre director Valery Mazynski, barysau.by reports. He planned to go on pension next year.

The man had worked at tank repair plant No. 140 since 1974. He had great experience in testing repaired tanks.

Two Belarusians were attacked near the Amsterdam hotel in Yemen's capital Sanaa on November 26. One of them, Anatoly Mazynski, died at the scene, the other was taken to hospital. Belarusian MFA spokesman Andrei Savinykh said both Barysau residents had worked in Yemen on official contracts.

Charter97.org sends sincere condolences to Valery Mazynski and the family of Anatoly Mazynski.

Photo: Reuters

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