21 September 2024, Saturday, 4:02
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Mikalai Avtukhovich: The best response to repressions is a boycott of the elections

Mikalai Avtukhovich: The best response to repressions is a boycott of the elections
Mikalai Avtukhovich

The more people will ignore the elections, the better. The government is afraid of it.

Mikalai Avtukhovich, former political prisoner, shared his opinion with charter97.org.

- Yesterday Pruzhany District Court sentenced Yury Rubtsou to two years in a colony. Once you have also had a politically motivated sentence. Have there been any changes since that time?

- I don't like to touch upon this issue. Since I have been released I am trying not to look for troubles, for them not to have a reason to "catch" me. Actually, nothing has changed and I could be easily imprisoned. And as for the Rubtsou's case, justice is out of the question. It could be apprehended: he made a 'Lukashenka, go away' tattoo, judges could not preserve his liberty. They are afraid of being convicted if they do not imprison Rubtsou. Everybody’s scared. It is the main ground for the government. At all the levels officials demonstrate their good work by defending this regime.

- Does this sentence sound specifically amid events on an international arena, in particular, Belarus's invitation to the Eastern Partnership summit?

- The government has always stated we have no political prisoners. And it is not new that Makei said it at the summit. It does not matter how strong the pressure of both the West and America is, the only answer is as follows: "We do not have political prisoners." And the same thing they do now. How can there be any positive changes in human rights, if the country does not pursue the matter? The opposition figures must raise clear demands and ultimatums. The West sees that no everyone stands the ground. It raises doubts of western politicians too. Neither conditions nor requirements were satisfied by the government. Again, there are some candidates for "elections"... People know what kind of elections they are, but still they go to the polls. The best respond is a boycott. It is evident. The more people will ignore the elections, the better. It is, perhaps, the only thing the government is afraid of. I do not even talk about these 'leaders', who are going to participate in the elections.

It should be reminded that on May 28 Pruzhany District Court reached conclusion on Yury Rybtsou's case, tried under Article 415 of the Criminal Code (evasion of serving punishment) for repeated refusal of proposed vacations when serving punishment in the open-type institution (OPI) in Kuplin village, Pruzhany district, Brest region. Judge Mikalai Rapikha sentenced the oppositionist to two years in a general regime penal colony concerning valid term. Yury Rubtsou said he would appeal against the decision.

Mikalai Avtukhovich was twice convicted by political motives. For the first time, he was arrested in October 2005, and was accused of alleged non-payment of taxes. He was sentenced to three years and a half. Mikalai was one of six political prisoners at large in the result of severe US and European Union sanctions.

For the second time Avtukhovich was arrested on February 8, 2009.

In May 2010 the Supreme Court of Belarus found him guilty for transportation and storage of five bullets for a hunting rifle under Article 295, paragraph 3 of the Criminal code (illegal acts with respect to firearms, ammunition, and explosive substances) and sentenced him to five years and two months in a high-security prison.

Human rights activists recognized Avtukhovich as a political prisoner convicted for his active public activity and fighting corruption. In addition, there were a number of severe procedural irregularities at the trial.

In January 2012 the court tightened conditions of serving of punishment for Avtukhovich. He was recognized as "a malicious regime violator".

The convict was transferred from colony No. 5 in Ivatsevichy (Brest region) to Hrodna prison No. 1.

After the release Avtukhovich is under 16-month preventive surveillance.

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