27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:54
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Belarusian TV Head Demands To Outlaw Anonymity On Internet

Belarusian TV Head Demands To Outlaw Anonymity On Internet

The chairman of the National State TV and Radio Company Henadz Davydzka has offered to depart from anonymity on the web.

“Anonymity on the Internet must be banned. It is not the first time when we are discussing that, – Henadz Davydzka stressed yesterday on air of the BT. – I am a supporter of strict measures. Why it is clean in Germany, for example? That’s because people are punished for a cigarette butt [on the ground] there. And if people are throwing away not only cigarette butts, but more serious nasty things, if someone allows oneself extremely destructive actions, it must be punished severely as well.”

Henadz Davydzka attracted attention of the discussion’s participants to the fact that in non-state media recently it had become popular and wide-spread to misrepresent and distort the meaning of words said.

“One of the vivid examples: Vice Prime Minister of Belarus Natallia Kachanava made a number of statements at the board of the Ministry of Sports – and headlines turned upside down emerged in the press suddenly. Phrases taken out of context have a serious influence on the public. A person who does not have a deep knowledge of a theme, starts thinking exactly in the way a shill journalist needs,” – the chairman of the National State TV and Radio Company noted.

As said by him, those who are carrying out provocative stove-piping in the media sphere deliberately, are performing a certain order.

“I do not see any common sense in that – I see an order to those people who are trying to destabilize the situation, – Henadz Davydzka said. – It is important for some people simply to take a phrase out of the context, when it could have a double meaning and could be presented in such a way that consciousness of people could be disturbed, circulation of mass media increased, or someone is put out of humour. As a matter of fact, these tasks are quite simple.”

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