27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:38
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Belarusian Protests Grow Into a Liberation Movement

Belarusian Protests Grow Into a Liberation Movement

Seven facts are showing that their power is only growing.

The former head of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Henadz Korshunau, who spoke about Lukashenka's real rating back in spring, named 7 signs that the protest was not "blown away," but, on the contrary, its strength is growing:

"The fact that the protests are not blown away is obvious. They come in waves, albeit asynchronously, but at very different levels.

Indeed, like that fire in the swamp, when observers think that the fiery shaft goes only along the tops of the trees because the water below is a swamp.

Here is what I see.

1. Basically, we look only at what is immediately visible - the street. On marches, chains, pickets. How long are we going to walk now? It is impossible to count because one large column is no longer there - they are being dispersed. But streams and rivers of people rage through the city.

First, there are singles and couples, a handful of friends, dozens of like-minded people. Then dozens, hundreds, and thousands trample their feet - many hours and tens of kilometers. This is just the core, which in Minsk is 100-150 thousand.

Thousands of people must be added to them, who, at this very time, cannot leave the apartment. Someone lacks decisiveness, someone lacks courage, but they are really ashamed that, right now, at this time, they cannot go out for a walk.

There is no one with whom to leave a child or an elderly person, or a sick one, or people themselves get sick, and their families are on self-isolation. And the second wave of covid is just beginning to rise.

Look at the doors of the houses - how many are open to protesters? Look at the windows - how many people are greeting the marches? How many cars are greeting the marches - "Beep! BI-BI-BIIIIIP !!! ". How many drivers first give a ride to marches and then drive back the protesters? Walk through the districts - how many flags and white sheets are there on the windows?

Ribbons, flags, murals, stairs, benches...

As Katz correctly articulated, everyone has their own risk bar, but everyone does what they can. And there are many of us.

How many people have downloaded Krama and are closely following what they buy in stores? How taxes are paid? How money is paid for housing and communal services? Just open your eyes and see what else is being done.

2. Courtyards are probably the strongest thing for today. Their self-organization is the beginning of a new government, which is very frightening for the modern government. The courtyards have proven that they can get together and solve a lot of issues. The courtyards began to realize their power. And every yard or district is not alone. There are a lot of them. They communicate. They help each other. They learn from each other.

The mutual connection grows, the power grows, the potential grows. That's why there is the hunt for musicians - the art not only raises the spirit of the courtyards individually but also strengthens their connection: it unites people into a community and courtyards into the city.

Thank God, the authorities still do not understand what historians do with philosophers for the courtyards.

3. Organizations are the slowest current because here is the most painful beginning of the civil rupture: workers are with the people, the management is with the authorities. The pressure is every day and every hour, not just Sundays. Everyone knows everyone; pressuring is easy.

But the processes are going on because it is impossible to fire everyone. This is the first thing. Secondly, the principle "one for all and all for one!" is starting to work. This is a powerful thing, and it has not yet fully worked. This can be seen in the example of some universities.

Thirdly, international pressure, which is also difficult to track down and not a quick thing. It will be reflected during the conclusion of new contracts for the future. But, already from Salihorsk, it is clear that international attention has begun to bear fruit.

4. Corporate solidarity is a strong but underestimated thing. After all, it is powerful when several thousand scientists say "No!" violence. It is powerful when 1000 athletes say their word. It is powerful when cultural figures declare their protest. It is powerful when designers support workers.

And this is powerful when because almost every corporate community has decided on its own position. No to violence!

And further. When musicians, teachers, doctors, artists, students, retirees, workers stand up for each other - this unites the people as a whole and makes them the strongest!

5. About solidarity and unity - we must look at who is doing it, and how, in what forms. There are also many of them, and these forms are expanding. First, the money. Has anyone counted the total number of support funds? Both general and corporate?

The second is work (or study for students) and retraining, as well as medical assistance to victims, information, legal and communication support. There are more cultural measures: flags, events, songs, appeals to the authorities.

6. International level - how many weeks Belarus has been in the whole Europe's focus of attention; the whole world knows about us. Yes, on the one hand, they say: "Do you want like in Belarus?"; crossed out). "We are not in Belarus, we need to count all the votes!" But this is about the state.

And about the country - incredible Belarus, which showed everyone an example of a decent society and gave hope to restore the values of democracy.

But we have shown not only this. We have proved and are proving that no one will decide the fate of Belarus without the Belarusians! Neither Russia, nor Europe, nor the United States. Therefore, Russia, Europe, and the United States will be very interested in talking and cooperating with a free Belarus and with worthy Belarusians.

7. Probably the most important thing are streets, courtyards, organizations, corporate communities, Belarusians from all over the world - a new Belarus is being created at all these levels and in their interconnection. It began with protests against violence and lies; it reached everyone and forced them to make a choice - and we make this choice every day. Everyone does.

The protests from the streets turned into a revolution in consciousness and self-awareness, and now - into a confrontation between almost the entire society and the remnants of the state vertical.

Yes, I do not say "the more active part of society," but "almost entire" because the vertical measures are meaningless and offer nothing to people, except for the shame for those who are in power. The revolution of consciousness gives hope and a sense of perspective - an understanding of who we are and where we are going.

That is, once again - the protests grew into a liberation movement, liberation from the shackles and movement forward."

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