27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:58
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"This Explains Andrei Zeltser's Moderation And Calmness"

"This Explains Andrei Zeltser's Moderation And Calmness"

Eternal memory to the hero!

More than a week has passed since Andrei Zeltser's death. According to the Orthodox canons, it is "nine days" today. The funeral was announced for 3:30 p.m. on October 6, writes the Lusterka Ulady telegram channel.

No questions, caused by the well-known video montage and confusing explanations of one known liar, have been answered. Lukashenka's version (at the meeting in the administration on October 1) that Zeltser and his wife "twice phoned the police in order to commit an outrage against law-enforcers" does not need even the slightest criticism due to its insanity.

Yet the calls are confirmed. This indicates that Zeltser and his wife did not consider themselves criminals at all, much less terrorists. Neither did they think that the apartment where they were staying was on the list of addresses to be "raided". Therefore there is absolutely no one and nothing for to "take revenge" for the "law enforcers" (who were dressed as thugs and lied, by the way, that they were police).

It is very doubtful that a respectable IT specialist from EPAM, not known for doing anything bad, would have tried to use weapons, knowing full well that he was up against eight or more armed law enforcers. Who, apparently, got into trouble because of their habit of breaking into the apartments and houses of innocent civilians with impunity.

This explains the moderation and calmness of Andrei Zeltser in the video, which, by the way, may have been streaming somewhere for an alibi. "Just in case." And it's interesting that Lukashenka explicitly admitted that the KGB officers weren't breaking into the apartment of Zeltser and his wife at all! "It was the apartment of this wife's brother, she was renting there." Naturally, he added: "And today we know absolutely for sure that this (brother) is not just an active participant in the protest, as we say, but a very real participant in the rebellion, as well as this IT guy."

It is clear that the "addendum" is needed to show that they were not breaking in to "innocent citizens". But the fact is practically admitted: the KGB was not interested in Zeltser and his wife!

That is why the "revenge" of the dogs of the regime, who in the case in Yakubouski street showed only their own decay in all senses, can only be directed at themselves. But history and society will not forget their meanest statements with promises of revenge and brutality.

Eternal Memory to Andrei Zeltser! A street named after him must be and will be there in Minsk!

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