27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:46
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Belarusian Received Draft Notice At Chelyabinsk Plant And Told Threats Against Him

Belarusian Received Draft Notice At Chelyabinsk Plant And Told Threats Against Him

About 80 more of his colleagues received “invitations” to the military commissariats.

Aliaksandr, a citizen of Belarus, who works at the Chelyabinsk Sugar Plant, received a draft notice right at his workplace, although he does not even have a Russian residence permit.

He contacted the "Belarus of Brain" Telegram channel to tell the details of his story. It turned out that about 80 other people, some of whom were citizens of Uzbekistan, also received such “invitations”.

According to Aliaksandr, he listened to the advice and refused to go to the draft board. After that, a foreman came to him and said that on Monday they would come for him and send him there by force.

At the same time, as the man writes, he cannot quit the factory for financial reasons:

“I just can’t quit. Our salaries got delayed by 2 months, they promised to repay all the debts by the New Year, and I borrowed money for this period. And if I quit now, no one will give me anything. But I also understand that life is worth more than money and I will try to avoid the draft board by all means.

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