17 September 2024, Tuesday, 1:07
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Occupiers Ran Away From Warriors Of 128th Brigade, Leaving Behind BMP And Rapira Cannon

Occupiers Ran Away From Warriors Of 128th Brigade, Leaving Behind BMP And Rapira Cannon

The trophy equipment is unharmed and combat-ready.

In the course of a military clash, Russian occupants have shamefully run away from soldiers of the 128th separate Zakarpattia Mountain Infantry Brigade, having left their weapons and equipment behind.

This is what Censor.net reports with reference to the press centre of the General Staff.

As noted, our defenders got trophies - BMP-1 and towed anti-tank gun MT-12 "Rapira".

"Everything is unharmed and ready for combat missions. From now on, they will be used to beat their former owners," the report reads.

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