17 September 2024, Tuesday, 9:22
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Islam Belokiyev: We Prepare To Start Armed Battles On Territory Of Chechnya

Islam Belokiyev: We Prepare To Start Armed Battles On Territory Of Chechnya

Ukraine and Europe will benefit from the opening of a second front.

“The opening of a second front would ease the situation for Ukraine,” Islam Belokiyev, spokesman for the Sheikh Mansur battalion, said in an interview with Pavel Babalovich, a journalist from the Polish radio station wnet.fm.

Islam Belokiyev said that Chechens, as well as Georgians, Ingush and Ukrainians, are fighting in the Sheikh Mansur battalion. The battalion has been active since 2014.

“There are Muslims, Christians, people of different views, who are united by one thing — the struggle for the freedom of Ukraine and against Russian aggression,” Islam Belokiyev said.

The interlocutor of Pavel Babalovich explained that the fighters of the battalion were engaged in a subversive struggle, and not a positional one. During the defense of Kyiv, on the one hand, Chechens from the battalion of Sheikh Mansur fought, and on the other, their compatriots, led by Ramzan Kadyrov.

“It doesn’t matter whether someone is your countryman or not, since a traitor always remains a traitor. [ ... ] The Kadyrovites are ordinary traitors,” Belokiyev asserts.

He stressed that the head of the Chechen Republic is very eager for power, but he means only as much as Vladimir Putin allows him.

“Kadyrov is an ordinary nothing,” Belokiyev said.

The spokesman for Sheikh Mansur battalion said that in Chechnya, the repressions affected all critics of the regime. Their families and even neighbors are also being persecuted.

What will change in Chechnya if Ukraine wins? According to the representative of the Sheikh Mansour battalion, they have their own battalions in Chechnya that are collecting information.

“We are preparing to start armed battles on the territory of Chechnya. The only thing we need is help from the West – political, informational, economic, and military somewhere,” Belokiyev said.

He stressed that Ukraine and Europe would benefit from the opening of a second front in Chechnya.

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