27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:22
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Hundreds Of People Come Out To Rally In Dagestan

Hundreds Of People Come Out To Rally In Dagestan

The people have nothing to heat their houses with.

Residents of Levashi district of Dagestan have came out to the local administration building because there is no gas in their houses. According to the protesters, half of the district is left without any heating in their homes.

The problem of gas supply is caused by severe frosts in the republic.

"There is no pressure in the pipes. There isn't enough gas to heat the homes," the source told Caucasus.Realii. The locals who attended the meeting blamed the gas supplier for the situation.

Journalists were told by the district administration that the situation with gas started to improve by two o'clock in the afternoon. "The republican and district gas supply organisations have taken measures to increase the pressure. It has already been checked, it has increased. In places where there was no gas, it has appeared," said Felix Abutalimov, an administration official.

According to him, the gathering dispersed peacefully.

We remind, Dagestan is a subject of the Russian Federation. During the year 2022 Russian propaganda was gushing with excitement, predicting how Europe would freeze to death in winter. In the end, the gas blackmail turned out to be a failure for the Kremlin.

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