27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:37
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SSU Agents Detonated BAM Strategic Communication Railway Between Russia And China

SSU Agents Detonated BAM Strategic Communication Railway Between Russia And China

The only real communication route paralyzed.

There was an explosion on the Baikal-Amur Mainline in Buryatia tonight.

This was a successful operation by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), paralyzing the only real railway communication route between the Russian Federation and China.

RBC-Ukraine was informed about this by its own sources.

As sources told the publication, tonight there was an explosion on the Baikal-Amur Mainline, namely in the Severomuysky tunnel named after Bessolov, which is located in Buryatia.

“In fact, this is the only serious route of railway communication between the Russian Federation and China. And now this route, which Russia uses, including for military supplies, is paralyzed,” the interlocutors said.

As our sources note, the explosion was another successful special operation by the SSU.

While the freight train was moving, four explosive devices detonated. The Russian FSB is working on the scene, and railway workers are unsuccessfully trying to minimize the consequences of the special operation.

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