17 September 2024, Tuesday, 0:58
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Lithuanian Military And Officials Banned From Travelling To Belarus Without Special Permission

Lithuanian Military And Officials Banned From Travelling To Belarus Without Special Permission

As well as to Russia and China.

The Lithuanian government decided on 24 January to ban military personnel and officials from travelling to Russia, Belarus and China without special permission, DELFI reported.

"According to the National Security Strategy, Russia, Belarus and China pose threats to the security of Lithuania and its citizens, including espionage against Lithuania by the intelligence and security services of these countries. The above-mentioned countries collect information on citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who have the right to access classified information, looking for their vulnerabilities, which they try to exploit when recruiting on their territory or in third countries," the draft resolution reads.

At the same time, the document provides for exceptions. Military personnel and civil servants will not be required to obtain a travel authorisation when their presence in these countries is necessary for reasons related to the serious illness or death of a family member, the exercise of parental or custodial rights, or the settlement of property issues.

At the end of last year, the Lithuanian Seimas adopted amendments to the law prohibiting military and civil servants from travelling to unfriendly countries. The government was instructed to draw up a list of such countries. It was reported at the time that this would include Russia and its occupied Crimea, Belarus, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova including Transnistria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Georgia (including Abkhazia and South Ossetia).

Similarly, military personnel on professional military service will not be able to travel to foreign countries or territories where the Foreign Office advises citizens not to travel or to leave immediately.

A little earlier, at the end of September 2023, the Lithuanian National Crisis Management Centre stated that people working with classified information will not be able to travel to Russia, Belarus and other countries that pose a threat to Lithuania. According to the centre, these restrictions will affect 56,000 people.

It was noted at the time that the decision to restrict the travel of some Lithuanian citizens to "unfriendly" countries was taken in view of the fact that the Belarusian secret services had intensified their activities at the border. According to Lithuanian intelligence, Lithuanian citizens are interrogated at border checkpoints and forced to cooperate with Belarusian special services through blackmail and psychological pressure.

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