28 September 2024, Saturday, 13:21
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Bild: Russia Stands Behind Large-Scale Fire At Metallurgical Plant In Berlin

Bild: Russia Stands Behind Large-Scale Fire At Metallurgical Plant In Berlin

There is specific evidence.

Russia is involved in a large fire at the Diehl Metall Applications metallurgical plant in Berlin, which occurred in early May. Bild reports this, citing its sources.

“According to Bild, one of the foreign intelligence services informed the German special services that the fire was the result of Russian sabotage. Foreign intelligence agencies have specific evidence of Russia’s involvement,” the publication writes.

As Bild writes, the German authorities are currently studying this information.

As the publication notes, it is unclear why a metallurgical plant was chosen, and not a military plant. Perhaps the German capital was the target.

Fire at the Diehl Metall Applications plant in Berlin

A large fire occurred in the south of Berlin in early May. The Diehl Metall Applications metallurgical plant caught fire, and a cloud of toxic smoke rose over part of the city.

The Diehl concern, which owns the plant, produces, among other things, Iris-T air defense systems for Ukraine. But they were not made at the Berlin plant; they processed metals there, for example, for cars.

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