2 July 2024, Tuesday, 13:45
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Belarusian Pensioner Speaks About Offer To Work At Plant

Belarusian Pensioner Speaks About Offer To Work At Plant

There is a critical shortage of workers in Belarus.

Lame, blind and deaf – all for work! The Ministry of Labor came up with such an original proposal to solve the personnel shortage, writes a Belarusian pensioner to the editors of the website Charter97.org:

“I remember that ten years ago people wanted to work for a year or two to somehow save up a little money before old age, but they weren’t given anything close to that. So it was with me. Like, old woman (55 years old), go, don’t get in the way, don’t interfere with the young people’s work! Then I, a marketing engineer, was offered to take a vacant position as a cleaner at a school. Moreover, they came up with some tricks that if you work, then they will not pay you a full pension.

And today, I’m 62 years old, they are happy to see me at the plant again! Like, we can’t do without your experience. Yeah, because for the pittance paychecks there, you obviously can’t survive without a pension. That’s why I was already needed.

But having lived for so many years without “subbotniks” [compulsory cleaning work on weekend – Ed.], absurd collections for the Red Cross, trade union, marches on Labor Day and Victory Day, I don’t want to get into this swamp anymore.

Pensioners are not a category of the population to fill the holes! We've already done our part, let us rest peacefully.

And problems with personnel will be solved instantly. If this government leaves, people will return home.

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