1 July 2024, Monday, 20:31
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Belarus & Russia Finally Cut Off From South Korean Machine Tools

Belarus & Russia Finally Cut Off From South Korean Machine Tools

Seoul has imposed new sanctions.

South Korea has banned the export of another 243 types of goods to Russia and Belarus, Yonhap reports, citing the country's Ministry of Industry.

These are products that could potentially be used for military purposes. The updated sanctions list includes metal-cutting equipment, optical instrument parts, and sensors.

The document will come into effect at the end of summer, after which the number of goods banned from export to Russia and Belarus will increase to 1,402.

Moscow has previously tried to circumvent sanctions by using gray supply schemes. Thus, in February, South Korean customs suspected two men of helping to import precision engineering equipment to Russia, which could be used in weapons production.

According to law enforcement, the entrepreneurs illegally supplied 98 machines worth 15.5 billion won ($11.5 million) to Russia between August 2022 and December 2023.

They could not do this openly due to sanctions, so they declared the products as machines with low technical characteristics, for the export of which at that time no permit was required. A case was opened against the suspects, which was transferred to the prosecutor's office.

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