1 July 2024, Monday, 8:36
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Lukashists To Try Famous Communist For Treason

Lukashists To Try Famous Communist For Treason

He faces 25 years in prison.

Famous communist Uladzimir Tsyukhai will be tried under two parts of the article “Treason”, and also for “forcing a person to participate in criminal activity with the use of violence or destruction of property,” Nasha Niva reports.

It is unclear whether there is a political component to the case. In total, Tsyukhai faces up to 25 years in prison.

In 2020, the man helped the police patrol the streets. He complained to the ONT TV channel that “ohe cannot go out with his family on Sunday”. Therefore, he and nine of his friends joined the squads to “monitor whether an unauthorized event is taking place somewhere.”

Afterwards, Tyukhai spoke at various dialogue platforms and pro-government events.

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