13 September 2024, Friday, 3:31
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Lithuania Celebrates 35th Anniversary Of The Baltic Way

Lithuania Celebrates 35th Anniversary Of The Baltic Way

The celebrations will take place today.

Today, the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Way will be celebrated all over Lithuania, reports delfi.lt.

To mark the anniversary, various events, concerts, exhibitions and meetings will be held all over Lithuania on Friday. On Friday evening, the “650 Kilometers of Freedom” concert will be held in the capital’s Cathedral Square.

On August 23, 1989, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the criminal Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its secret protocols, the Lithuanian Perestroika Movement and the Popular Fronts of Estonia and Latvia organized the “Baltic Way” – a 650 km long human chain connecting the capitals of three states occupied by the Soviet Union – Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn.

An estimated 2 million people, half of whom were Lithuanians, lined up hand in hand from the Gediminas Tower in Vilnius to the Hermann Tower in Tallinn.

The Baltic Way was a protest against the secret protocols and the abolition of the independence of the Baltic states.

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