16 June 2024, Sunday, 22:26
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Unknown abduct kidnapped youth leader Artur Finkevich


Artur Finkevich, “Young Belarus” leader, was seized by six unknown men immediately after he left his house.

“Radio Svaboda” was informed about that by the grandmother of the young activist. The woman stated that unknown people in plainclothes knocked Artur Finkevich on the ground and dragged into a car.

Relatives of the oppositionist are worried. Last year on December 19 he was also seized near his house in Makayonak Street. The young man was pulled his jacket on the head, dragged into a car and beaten up. Then Finkevich’s mobile phone was seized. He was thrown out of the car not far from Valozhyn (Minsk region). Police initiated a criminal case on this fact, but criminals haven’t been found.

Artur Finkevich’s associates do not exclude that he could have been taken to the military enlistment office by force, in order to draft him to the army and to isolate him from the political life of the country.

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