16 June 2024, Sunday, 20:26
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Militiaman threatened to kidnap “European Belarus” activist (Photo)

Militiaman threatened to kidnap “European Belarus” activist (Photo)

Palina Dzyakava received threats of kidnapping during a solidarity action in Minsk on December 16.

Activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Palina Dzyakava was holding a poster “Kidnappers Must Go to The Hague!” in English. A militiaman in mufti came up to her and asked if she was ready to be the next. Having received no reply, he said pointing at the poster: “Not all, but you personally will answer for this. Remember this.”

Then the militiamen spoke to someone walkie-talkie and gave a description of Palina Dzyakava and text of the poster.

“It’s evident that militiamen and secret service officers are afraid for responsibility for their crimes. Everyone knows what happened to war criminals in other countries with dictatorial regimes. That’s why the regime associates the word ‘The Hague” with responsibility for its unlawful actions, it is like a red flag to a bull,” the “European Belarus” activist said.

We remind that cases of kidnapping have become more frequent in Belarus. On December 5, leader of “Young Front” Zmitser Dashkevich was kidnapped. Unknown people held him in a car for 5.5 hours and allowed him to get out of the car 70 kilometres away from Minsk. On December 6, “European Belarus” activist Yauhen Afnahel was kidnapped. He was left 20 kilometres away from Minsk. Activist of “European Belarus” Uladzimir Lemesh was taken out of town a week before those events. Unknown people beat him and demanded that he should stop his political activity. Six youth activists have been kidnapped this year. Oppositionists suppose the abductions were organized by the secret services.

This militiaman threatened the activist

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