16 June 2024, Sunday, 20:45
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Arrests of oppositionists at fest in Budslau (Updated)

Arrests of oppositionists at fest in Budslau (Updated)

Paval Sevyarynets, co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD), and other opposition activists are among the detained.

On July 2, a fest of worship of icon of Our Lady of Budslau, patroness of Belarus, takes place in Budslau (the Myadzel district, the Minsk region). A reason for the detention of Paval Sevyarynets and three BCD activists was the fact that the young people had some dozens of BCD bulletin “Krynitsa” on them.

The activists were released some hours later. Paval Sevyarynets, a co-chairman on BCD creation, told BelaPAN that no reports had been drawn up.

“We had a conversation, about 30 copies of “Krynitsa” were seized. As I walked to the fest, militia asked questions about the pilgrimage,” Pavel Sevyarynets told.

We remind that a fest of worship of icon of Our Lady of Budslau, patroness of Belarus, takes place in Budslau (the Myadzel district) on 1-2 July.

About 2500 pilgrims from Belarus and abroad walked to the icon of Our Lady of Budslau this year. About 50000 believers have gathered in Budslau these days.

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