16 June 2024, Sunday, 16:31
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“Grandson” from “Hide Your Grandma’s Passport” clip expelled from BSU


The order of the rector to dismiss him was signed on October 15. All that time the student did not know that he had no right to attend the university.

He was told about dismissal only yesterday. According to the official version confirmed by the dean’s office, the reason for expulsion was absence from university, “Nasha Niva” writes.

Representatives of the dean’s office declined to comment absence rate of other students, and whether expulsion of Aleh Anufrienka was politically motivated and discriminatory.

Aleh was a five-year student of the Belarusian State University (journalism department) and received state-subsidized education. He passed exams successfully, and was paid a scholarship.

“I was asked by my friend, the film director Yauhen Shapchyts, to be filmed in “Hide Your Grandma’s Passport”. It was his graduation work, and I saw nothing wrong in helping him,” Aleh Anufrienka said.

In the near future the former student plans to get from the university an answer why he had not been informed about expulsion on time, and he also does not exclude that he would challenge this decision in the court.

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