19 June 2024, Wednesday, 0:31
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Belarusian militia opens fire on corn thieves


Militia officers in the town of Zhytkavichy fired a minibus carrying stolen corn and wounded one of the men trying to escape.

“We got information from Turaushchyna firm that some people planned to steal corn from field at night. A militia officer took a night vision device and went to the field. He noticed a switched-off minibus and called for reinforcements,” investigator Syarhei Illyich from prosecutor’s office of Zhytkavichy district told the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belarusi”.

Militiamen tried to stop the bus, but the thieves managed to run past them. The militia started persuading the minibus around the town of Turau. The driver didn’t react to orders to stop. He was swerving from side to side in response to attempts by the militia to force the bus to the roadside. Out of the town, the militia warned about using arms and fired three warning shots, but the malefactors didn’t react again. Aimed fire was started. After a wheel was targeted, the driver turned to the roadside and the thieves ran out of the bus.

The cargo box was full of maize ears. Some large spots of blood could be seen in the bus. The militiamen caught the thieves and found out one of them was wounded in his leg. A bullet passed above a wheel and tore a hole in the bus. An emergency ambulance was called, the wounded man’s life is out of danger. Prosecutors have no claims to the shooter.

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