11 February 2025, Tuesday, 5:37
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Last farewell said to Aleh Byabenin in Minsk (Video, Photo)

Last farewell said to Aleh Byabenin in Minsk (Video, Photo)

Hundreds of Minsk dwellers have come today to say last farewell to the founder and editor of charter97.org website Aleh Byabenin.

The civil funeral ceremony for the journalist was held in Alsheuski Street in Minsk. Among the people who had come to pay last respects to Aleh Byabenin, where the first leader of the independent Belarus Stanislau Shushkevich, the leader of the civil campaign “European Belarus”, a presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, Charter’97 coordinator Zmitser Bandarenka, the chairperson of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhana Litvina, one of the leaders of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Viktar Ivashkevich, human rights activists Ales Byalatski, Tatsyana Ravyaka, Valery Shchukin, Aleh Vouchak, film directors Yury Khashchavatski and Aleh Dashkevich, the lead singer of “Krama” band Ihar Varashkevich, the lead singer of Neurodubel band Alyaksandr Kulinkovich, the head of the creative association “Pahonya”, a painter Ales Marachkin, the leader of “Tell the truth!” campaign Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, a co-chairman of the organizing committee for creation of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Paval Sevyarynets, the leader of “For Freedom” movement Alyaksandr Milinkevich, leaders of the United Civil Party Alyaksandr Dabravolski and Vasily Shlyndzikau, a former head of the news office of NTV channel in Belarus Pavel Selin, youth leader Zmitser Barodka, Yauhen Afnagel, Pavel Yukhnevich, Artur Finkevich, Mikhail Pashkevich, Ales Kalita, Maxim Vinyarski, editors and journalists of all independent mass media of Belarus and common citizens.

“I knew Aleh for 2 years personally, and I have always believed that such people will create our bright and dignified future. He had such a talent for work, knowledge, calmness… First of all, I express my deepest condolences to the family, it is an awful loss for them. And it is such a grievous loss for Belarus. I hope that there are responsible people in law-enforcing agencies, who will get it straightened out and tell what had happened in reality,” said Stanislau Shushkevich in an interview to charter97.org.

All the head officers of Minsk riot police were attending the place of the funeral ceremony today. People in mufti were everywhere. In general, as many note, as many policemen as never before were on duty in Minsk streets today.

All people who had come to pay last respects to Aleh brought white and red flowers, the colours of the national flag of Belarus. Aleh Byabenin was buried in Uskhodniya cemetery of Minsk.

We remind that the body of the founder and chief of charter97.org website Aleh Byabenin was found hanged on September 3 at 5.30 p.m. in his summer cottage near Minsk. Law-enforcing agencies hurried to inform that it had been a suicide. However, colleagues of the journalist inform that the death of Aleh Byabenin invites many questions. Forensic experts have got mixed up even about the date of the journalist’s death. Aleh Byabenin had left no suicide note. He had vast plans. He left a widow and two sons. He was a key player in the team of Andrei Sannikov, an oppositional candidate for presidency.

Andrei Sannikov

Zmitser Bandarenka

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