27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:46
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Ukrainian activists support Belarusian human rights defenders


Ukrainian human rights activists launched an Internet campaign to support their Belarusian colleagues arrested for posting photos with a portrait of Ales Byalyatski on the Internet.

The Ukrainian human rights activists expressed their indignation over the trial and the decision of judge Vital Lyatsko from Hrodna's Leninski district court to  issue a fine of 4.5 rubles to Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel, Viasna human rights centre reports. Photos and assumptions of policemen and backdated police reports violate all pre-trial and judicial norms, an author of the Internet appeal writes.

We can draw a conclusion that the decision of the court is another political order of the system that fear its citizens and the Law on Mass Events in Belarus is only a tool to perform the order. The authorities are afraid of photos of Ales Byalyatski and brochures of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The authorities are afraid of the things that united people and give political prisoners the opportunity to live in jails bearing in mind that people remember and wait for them, give the opportunity to work to activists struggling for freedom and human rights. They are afraid of what support journalists, who remain objective in spite of professional problems.

“Let's support the Belarusian human rights activists together!” members of the Ukrainian Network of Human Rights Movements call.

First results appear on the website – activists from different human rights groups send their photos with a portrait of Ales Byalyatski.

Participants of the Second International Human Rights training for the Youth:

Activists of the Crimean human rights centre Action and the independent trade union Student Action joined the campaign:

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