Save Charter97! Become a Nation!
24- 15.02.2019, 21:30
- 93,384

Belarusians must save Charter for common struggle and victory.
Mikalai Statkevich, one of the leaders of the Belarusian National Congress, the chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Narodnaya Hramada), wrote about it on Facebook:
“Today’s world is returning to the principle of “every man for himself.” I hope that this is temporarily. Nowadays the fate of weak nations in this world is unenviable. Their interests are neglected, they are sold and changed. Stronger states are cutting off pieces from weak neighbors again. And some even try to seize them completely.
Our state belongs to the latter. The dictator, whom we allowed to take the post of the President of Belarus a quarter of a century ago, has long ago mortgaged our country to Moscow to get the money to retain power over us. Right now, Moscow is calling in the mortgage.
We can save our statehood and return freedom only when we unite in the struggle for these goals. If we become a nation with a strong spirit.
The necessary condition for the unity and success – independent sources of information that cover events from the point of view of our national interests, which stand on the side of our freedom and independence.
Unfortunately, there are few such media left. Once independent media are now tied up by self-censorship and have become the chroniclers of the “ruling family.” Just take a look at the list of headings on their pages to see this.
But there are Belarusian independent media that continue their mission. Which oppose official lies and informational aggression from the East.
The Charter-97 website is the undisputed information leader in the struggle for freedom and independence of Belarus. No wonder the regime hates its team so much. No wonder its leaders were killed, broken in prisons. No wonder Charter is blocked so that Belarusians cannot get access to it.
I don’t know what the Belarusian regime gave to Polish politicians to make them refuse to support Charter, which they had once invited to come. But I am sure of one thing: they refused to support not just an individual information resource. In fact, they refused to support the struggle of the Belarusians for the freedom and independence of their country.
Now everything will depend only on our own cohesion, on our ability to protect and liberate our country. For me, a manifestation of this will be whether we can save Charter for our struggle with our own money.
I announce my intention to transfer half of my military pension to Charter’s account. I urge the patriots of Belarus to save Charter in order to preserve and increase our strength for victory.
Long live Belarus!”
You can support the website in the following way:
Bank's name: Bank Millennium S.A.
Address: ul. Stanislawa Zaryna, 2A, 02-593, Warszawa
IBAN: PL 97 1160 2202 0000 0002 1671 1123
Name of the account holder: Fundacja “KARTA ‘97”
Purpose/title of payment: Donation for statuary aims
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