17 June 2024, Monday, 3:00
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Ukrainian Paratroopers Shoot Down Russian Su-30 Fighter Jet

Ukrainian Paratroopers Shoot Down Russian Su-30 Fighter Jet

The Ukrainian Armed Forces showed a video of an anti-aircraft system.

More often the Ukrainian military manages to shoot down small, still Soviet Su-25 attack aircrafts that regularly cross the front line.

Today nature smiled with a tougher machine. It was lucky to "land" an enemy Su-30.

Soldiers of the 80th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade and the 71st Separate Jaeger Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully demilitarized a Russian Su-30 multi-role fighter in one of the mission areas. This is reported by the StratCom AFU telegram channel.

The plane was shot down with an anti-aircraft gun ZU-23, which bears the female name Zina. The military showed a video of how this anti-aircraft gun works.

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