16 June 2024, Sunday, 23:28
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AFU Destroyed Occupant Command Post With 50 Senior Russian Officers In Kherson Region

AFU Destroyed Occupant Command Post With 50 Senior Russian Officers In Kherson Region

The army commander could have been there as well.

Ukrainian defenders have carried out a successful operation in Kherson region. They shelled a forward command post of the Russian invaders, destroying half a hundred officers of the Russian army.

This was reported by Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, on the air of Feygin Live.

According to him, the defeat of the invaders in Kherson Region will be worse than that in Chornobayivka. There were about 50 senior Russian officers in the command post destroyed by the Ukrainian military. The army commander could have been there.

"We attacked an army-level forward command post in Kherson region. It is cooler than in Chornobayivka. There were about 50 senior Russian officers there. Their fate is not known, but I think it was sad. It took a long time to blow up. The forward command post. Sort of another army commander, along with the chief of staff, deputies and so on may appear to have been killed," said the adviser to the head of the President's Office.

The adviser to the head of the President's Office said that until May 9, despite Putin's expectations and demands, Russia is unlikely to achieve any victories in the invading war with Ukraine

"In 5 days of the offensive, successes are miserable for such a concentration of troops, and more importantly - what concerns the tasks and their implementation. So they may not get anything before May 9," Arestovych said.

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