27 June 2024, Thursday, 19:36
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Ukrainian Army Placed 25 Kilometres From Russian Border: New Frontline

Ukrainian Army Placed 25 Kilometres From Russian Border: New Frontline

The progress of the offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.

Updated war map for the morning of September 11. Ukrainian fighters continue their counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region, the cleansing of Izyum continues.

This is reported by the Deepstatemap.

According to updated geolocation data, Ukrainian fighters of the Carpathian Sich Battalion entered Izyum (Kharkiv region) from the south side, where, accordingly, a cleansing operation is taking place in the city.

Thus, the exit to the south from Izyum is completely lost for the Russian occupiers.

In addition, international analysts from the Institute for the Study of War demonstrated the progress of the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region over the past 5 days.

According to the Institute, after reports of the liberation of Velikiy Burluk by Ukrainian fighters (this information needs to be confirmed, according to Deepstatemap this village is still under occupation), Ukrainian forces in the Kharkiv region can now be located 25 kilometers from the international border.

Recall, in the Kharkiv axis, according to the General Staff, as of morning, enemy units of the 3rd Motorized Rifle Division of the 20th Combined Arms Army were left without supply routes, and the personnel were in a panic.

Earlier the Ukrainian military liberated Kupiansk and Izyum under their control and published pictures with the Ukrainian flags.

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