15 September 2024, Sunday, 13:19
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All Clauses Of New Belarusian Decree Are Classified

All Clauses Of New Belarusian Decree Are Classified

What could it be about?

Decree No. 462 of December 30 appeared on the national legal portal of Belarus. All the clauses of the decree have ‘for official use’ identification. However, it is known that it concerns the distribution of budgetary funds, according to the Telegraf.news.

According to the document, it comes into force from the moment of signing. It is also known that some of the paragraphs of the decree relate to changes in the secret paragraphs of Decree No. 93 of March 14, which was called "On Additional Measures to Ensure the Stable Functioning of the Economy". It was adopted in connection with the introduction of new sanctions by Western countries.

This is the text of the decree:

Earlier, on January 5, Lukashenka gathered officials in his palace. “Money decides everything," he said then.

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