17 June 2024, Monday, 8:26
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NATO To Build ‘Drone Wall’ On Border With Russia

NATO To Build ‘Drone Wall’ On Border With Russia

From Norway to Poland.

The Baltic countries, Norway, Finland and Poland are planning to create a so-called “drone wall” on the border with Russia, Lithuanian Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė said at a meeting with her colleagues.

“This is a completely new thing — a wall of drones going from Norway to Poland. Our goal is to use drones and other technologies to protect our borders. Not only with the help of physical infrastructure, surveillance systems, but also with the use of drones and other technologies that will allow us to protect ourselves from provocations from unfriendly countries and prevent smuggling,” BNS quotes the Minister as saying.

According to her, as part of the program, states will use drones to monitor the border, and they will also create a system of protection against drones of hostile states. The Minister clarified that Lithuania had already planned to strengthen border security using drones. The State Border Service has created a special unit that uses unmanned aerial vehicles.

“As a country, we have done a lot in this direction. “Perhaps other states will have to invest and prepare more,” she emphasized, adding that the authorities plan to purchase an additional batch of drones and means to combat them. However, the Minister does not know when the idea of a “drone wall” on the borders of NATO countries will be implemented.

“Today we agreed on this idea, the next step is a plan, specific actions. The time when we will start this project has not yet been determined,” Bilotaitė said. She did not rule out that the “drone wall” would be financed with EU funds. “It is obvious that if we agree on common solutions, we will be able to apply for European funds; if we present the need as a region, there is a high probability that we will receive funding from the European Commission,” she concluded.

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