17 June 2024, Monday, 9:07
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Ukrainian Fighters Get Hold Of Russia’s Newest T-90 ‘Proryv 3’ Tank

Ukrainian Fighters Get Hold Of Russia’s Newest T-90 ‘Proryv 3’ Tank

The operation lasted several months.

Warriors of the 225th separate assault battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to capture the newest Russian tank T-90 “Proryv 3”.

According to the brigade's press service, the damaged tank was recovered only on the sixth attempt.

The Ukrainian military tried to pull the “trophy” from the battlefield for four months, the battalion noted. Mortarmen, infantrymen, signalmen, tank crews, and drone operators were involved in the operation.

Other units made 12 attempts over eight months to remove the T-90 Proryv 3, but they were unsuccessful. The tank was transferred for research to the Defense Intelligence. It was “pretty well preserved” and only had a hole in the engine.

T-90M — what is known about “Proryv 3”

The T-90M tank is the latest modification of the T-90, produced in quantities of about one hundred units. The Russians replaced the old turret with a new combat module, installed a modernized cannon, a guided anti-aircraft gun, and an improved fire extinguishing system.

It is equipped with an automatic gear shift system, night vision and a rear view camera.

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