28 June 2024, Friday, 12:29
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SSU Counterintelligence Officers Conducted Special Operation On Border With Belarus

SSU Counterintelligence Officers Conducted Special Operation On Border With Belarus

The head of the department of the local border patrol was detained.

As a result of a special operation on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, the Security Service of Ukraine detained a man suspected of spying for Russia. According to the investigation, this is the head of the local border detachment, the SSU press service reports.

As the department said, the suspect, at the direction of the occupiers, established the locations of fortified areas and the approximate number of Ukrainian troops defending the border area with Belarus.

He also tried to transmit the coordinates of warehouses with weapons and ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region, law enforcement officials say.

Investigators noted that if enemy tasks were carried out, the occupiers promised to “evacuate” the man to Russian territory and place him in the occupation groups of the Russian Federation.

According to the investigation, the man was remotely recruited by FSB officer Alexei Dobritsky, who is stationed in temporarily occupied Luhansk.

He came to the attention of Russia while serving in eastern Ukraine. Subsequently, he was transferred to one of the units of the border detachment in the Volyhnia region.

For communication, the suspect and his Russian curator used an anonymous chat in the messenger.

The SSU intercepted the relevant information in advance and documented the man’s criminal actions, and at the final stage of the special operation, the SSU counterintelligence officers, with the involvement of the Alpha Group fighters, detained the suspect near the place of duty.

During a search of the detainee's apartment and workplace, a mobile phone and computer were confiscated.

Based on the collected evidence, SSU investigators informed him of suspicion under the article of high treason committed under martial law.

The suspect is currently in custody and faces life imprisonment.

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