28 June 2024, Friday, 12:25
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Belarus Starting To Lack Children

Belarus Starting To Lack Children

The NAS is sounding the alarm.

The National Academy of Sciences said that there are few children under 15 in Belarus, and especially children under four. Details were provided to the Minsk-Novosti agency by the head of the Center for Human Development and Demography of the Institute of Economics of the NAS Nastassia Babrova.

Babrova said that migration outflows have decreased now, and some of those who left the country are returning to Belarus. At the same time, there are not enough 15-year-old youth to compensate for people retiring, there are few children under 15, and the number of children under four is especially small, if compared with previous years.

— Therefore, it is necessary to urgently increase the birth rate. This process is influenced not only by material factors, but also by the desire of young people to prolong their lives “without worries,” she emphasized.

She drew attention to the fact that the birth rate in the country is declining, there are many reasons for this.

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