29 June 2024, Saturday, 10:22
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Political Scientist: Pressure On Lukashenka Will Increase

Political Scientist: Pressure On Lukashenka Will Increase

But the decision will be made by Moscow.

Will the attacks of illegal immigrants on the Polish-Belarusian border stop?

Political analyst Aliaksandr Friedman, in a commentary to Zerkalo, draws attention to the fact that the statement about readiness for negotiations with Poland was voiced by Belarusian Foreign Minister Siarhei Aleynik after negotiations with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

Friedman believes that in order to resolve the crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border, China will put pressure not on Minsk, but on Moscow. According to him, this is more effective, since the crisis on the border was inspired by Russia. But is Beijing able to influence Minsk, and even more so Moscow?

— I think Duda explained to Xi what could happen, and that closing the Belarusian-Polish border is not beneficial for China for economic reasons, — the analyst is sure. — But it is unclear to what extent Russia will try to continue to use migrants to destabilize the situation in Europe. Even if China expresses its displeasure and shows that it does not like it, it may turn out that Putin's geopolitical ambitions are stronger. In addition, both Lukashenka and Putin will be very unhappy to look like politicians who have given in to Poland, its threats and ultimatums. That is, the pressure will increase, but it is difficult to judge what decision will ultimately be made in Moscow.

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