29 June 2024, Saturday, 14:20
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‘Our Parents Are Stronger Than This Old Man With Blue Fingers’

‘Our Parents Are Stronger Than This Old Man With Blue Fingers’

A Belarusian woman responded to Lukashists.

A reader of the Charter97.org website from Vitsebsk, who wished to remain anonymous, shared her thoughts on how the regime is methodically destroying the foundations for the development of civil society in Belarus:

— Lukashists are methodically destroying everything living, active and progressive in our country. First, they came up with a way to liquidate private schools with the help of so-called licensing. Why did they need this? The answer is very simple: because the spirit of freedom lived there, the children there, although they studied according to state-approved programs, but with the help of new modern methods and approaches. There, children were taught to think, reason and not be afraid to express their opinions. And does a dictator need that? You can’t control such a generation, you can’t drive them into a pen and you can’t make them work for the minimum wage. So the blue-fingered one demanded that all this be “most brutally” closed, destroyed, and fined huge money.

Then they took on kindergartens. How can it be that in a kindergarten children of two or three years old do not stand at attention and sing the Lukashenka anthem? “It is not allowed! These European values are alien to us.” Come to a state kindergarten and learn to draw something red and green, and not be interested in dinosaurs.

And so that “an enemy mouse does not run through”, they began licensing private nursing homes. In this case, “licensing” means “liquidation”. As a result, many forced emigrants, who now do not have the opportunity to return and take care of their parents, will not be able to choose something even slightly better from all the bad options for solving this problem.

One day, our friend suffered a stroke and could not take care of herself. While a nanny came to her, she even recovered a little, and began to make plans for the future again. But her daughter decided that it would be better in a state nursing home. And she sent her mother there. Less than a month had passed before we gathered to hear the sad news. At the funeral, what struck me most was how thin she had become, literally just bones were left of her. This image of my friend sometimes pops up in my head as a reminder of the inhumanity of the Lukashenka state.

But I believe that our parents are stronger than this old man with blue fingers, they will wait and see us coming home, and will have a dignified and well-groomed old age.

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