30 June 2024, Sunday, 0:17
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Air Attack: Explosion Occurs In Kyiv

Air Attack: Explosion Occurs In Kyiv

Russia launched a massive combined bombardment at night.

An explosion was heard near Kyiv on the night of June 27 during a large-scale air alert in Ukraine, announced because of a combined attack by Russian occupiers.

This is reported by "Suspilne".

The explosion in the capital of Ukraine was heard around three in the morning.

At the same time, local authorities and representatives of the administration did not report the explosion in Kyiv. And public pages and metropolitan Telegram-channels write that the explosion could be related to the work of air defence on enemy targets.

Ahead of that, the command of the Air Force of the AFU informed about recording a high-speed target travelling through Zhytomyr region in the south-western direction.

This came after reports about the takeoff of Mig-31K in the Russian Federation, and the probable launch of missiles.

Night Combined Air Attack

Let us note that the enemy missile shelling of Ukrainian territory this night, June 27, was taking place against the background of a drone attack. Thus, the Russian Federation troops launched several groups of Shahed-type attack drones on Ukraine the night before.

After that, it was known of the launch of Kalibr-type cruise missiles by the Russian Federation. Explosions were reported in Khmelnytsky Region.

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