3 July 2024, Wednesday, 21:02
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'It's Time To Stop Believing The Lukashists' Fairy Tales And Nullify Their Promises'

'It's Time To Stop Believing The Lukashists' Fairy Tales And Nullify Their Promises'

The Lukashenka regime is deceiving Belarusians.

Lukashenka deceived large families: in 2005, he promised a free apartment for three children, in 2006, for five, and in 2022, he promised to provide large families with housing for two years. Now Lukashenka is calling for a review of all benefits for large families and a cut of the payments.

This news gathered a lot of comments on Charter97.org's TikTok channel. Here are the best of the comments:

"It was necessary to think and not be guided by Lukashenka's promises. And so the children were made for the state, the strategy of keeping the people in poverty works."

"Then these children will grow up and feed their taxes to the"state" and the entire bureaucratic pack, this was the calculation."

"You should not count on the state in these times, there is only one show on TV — I promised and forgot."

“How can you play with your children's future by promising what you can't give?”

"I have three children, I have received no free or preferential housing, I rent it. Well, where are all these promised benefits?"

"Every year it is harder to buy housing, as before they do not give. The quality of life is deteriorating, but be fruitful.”

"In Belarus, you can build a house for yourself in 200 years, because with such a salary only a mobile phone will be given on credit."

"What kind of help from the state can we talk about if even for the New Year gifts for children we collect money on our own?"

"It's time to stop believing the Lukashists' fairy tales and nullify their promises."

"Where are these apartments for large families? We see only new buildings for the 'elite', and the electorate is left behind."

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