4 July 2024, Thursday, 14:30
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Main Intelligence Directorate's 'Ghosts' Create Hell For Russian Occupiers

Main Intelligence Directorate's 'Ghosts' Create Hell For Russian Occupiers

Not only personnel, but also enemy hardware was under attack.

Soldiers of the Ghost unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate organise successful night hunts for Russian occupants and their hardware. The press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence published footage from the front on YouTube on July 2.

"Ghosts" successfully destroyed in one of the directions of the front:

two basing sites of the RF Armed Forces;

enemy communications and surveillance equipment located on the roof of a building;

a Russian refuelling tanker;

several units of light vehicles of the occupants.

"The earth must burn under the occupants!" emphasised the MID.

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