‘Lukashenka Got New Quirk’
12- 22.01.2025, 17:35
- 31,844

And it’s the children who are suffering.
Before another sham election, Lukashenka became overwhelmed with a new wave of panic and fear, and our children are becoming victims of all this pressure, writes Charter97.org reader from Minsk Tatsiana:
— Educational institutions have started taking away children's mobile phones. What if one of the teenagers decides to take a photo of the falsifier with a stack of ballots?
How much our children have already experienced since 2020! First, the closure of private schools. Don't ask about the difference between public and private institutions. If your children did not study in a private school, you cannot explain it.
In our private school, phones were a tool that helped in learning. They were actively used in various classes. There are thousands of educational programs that make learning diverse and interesting. In computer science classes, which began in the 2nd grade, children learned practical skills from the simplest to more complex: how to make presentations in PowerPoint, how to use Word and Excel, mastered touch typing, video editing, and effective information search.
Having been forced to transfer to a public school, my child not only refused to go to classes (because it was uninteresting, monotonous, and boring), but also refused to eat at school because the food wasn’t good.
And now a new quirk with phones. My daughter has never overused them, but it is important to me that she stays in touch. I call her every day during recess to make sure that she gets to school safely. Then I call to find out that she has returned home.
So if you are going to go back to the dark times, start with yourself, Madam Principal. First, turn off video surveillance, remove the turnstiles. Who needs all this at school, who are you spying on?
I told my daughter not to give her phone to anyone. Today they will take away your smartphone, and tomorrow they might take away you too.