16 June 2024, Sunday, 13:52
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Charter 97!

In Pinsk they demanded to stop the criminal proceedings against Paczobut (Photo)


Local activists of Belarusian Christian Democracy held an action of solidarity with the journalist of the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza Andrzej Paczobut.

They disseminated a lot of leaflets demanding to stop the criminal proceedings against the journalist on alleged slandering Lukashenka, the BChD press-service reports.

We would remind that the reason for commencing the legal proceedings were the journalist’s publications on independent web-sites.

The Polish Gazeta Wyborcza’s reporter was detained in his apartment in Grodna on 21 June. Before that there was a search in the premises and the computers were confiscated. Andrzej Paczobut was detained in the Grodno prison until 30 June and then released on own recognizance with restricted travel.

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