16 June 2024, Sunday, 13:36
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Reprisal: Beaten opposition activists thrown behind bars

Reprisal: Beaten opposition activists thrown behind bars

(updated) Young Front activists were beaten up brutally during the detention.

Dzmitry Kramyanetski and Mikhail Musski, the activists detained at the Kupalauskaya metro station on April 7, were tried today in the Leninski district court of Minsk. They spent the weekend in a detention centre in Akrestin Street, Viasna human rights centre reports.

The activists were accused of violating article 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (swearing). As it turned out, the reason for detention was a chevron Young Front on a backpack of one of the guys.

Mikhail Musski said before the trial he would go on hunger strike in case of the arrest. The young man filed a motion asking to render medical aid to them, because they had been beaten brutally during the detention.

Judge Mikhail Khoma satisfied a motion by Kramyanetski and called an ambulance. Doctors agreed to take him to hospital. Trial against the activist was postponed. Shortly after that he was taken back to court and given 10 days in custody. The detainee underwent skull X-ray in the hospital.

Mikhail Musski was not taken to hospital. He was sentenced to 10 days in custody.

Anastasia Palazhanka, an associate of the activists, posted a photo on her Facebook account showing Mikhail Musski handcuffed to a radiator at a police station.

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