7 July 2024, Sunday, 10:09
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Kremlin Refuses To Negotiate With Ukraine Through Erdogan

Kremlin Refuses To Negotiate With Ukraine Through Erdogan

Peskov voiced Moscow's position.

Russia does not consider Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a mediator in peace talks with Ukraine, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, TASS reported.

Asked whether it was possible that the Kremlin would engage the Turkish leader in this capacity, the spokesman said, "No, not possible."

At the same time, Peskov admitted that Putin and Erdogan discussed the topic of Russia's war with Ukraine on the margins of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit being held in Kazakhstan. The bilateral meeting took place on July 3.

TRT Haber TV channel reported that Erdogan told Putin that he was ready to "lay the foundation" for a compromise to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. According to the Turkish leader, Moscow and Kyiv could start by agreeing on a ceasefire and then reach a fair peace agreement that would satisfy both sides.

Erdogan also said that he expects Putin to visit "as soon as possible." The latter replied that he would "definitely" come. The last time the presidents met in person was in Sochi in September 2023. Since then, Putin's intention to visit Turkey has been reported more than once, but the trip never took place. Formally - because of the election schedule in both countries and the presidents' busy schedules.

In the course of preparing the visit, it became known that Erdogan was going to offer Putin to start peace talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The source of "RIA Novosti" among Turkish diplomats noted that Ankara will not impose its ideas on the settlement of the conflict on any of the parties, but will provide "necessary mediation". Erdogan also suggested organising a peace summit with the participation of Russia and Ukraine.

After that, a draft of a new peace treaty proposed by Turkey appeared in the media. The plan includes the mandatory holding of a referendum on the state's foreign policy course in Ukraine in 2040. Referendums should also be held in all the territories of the country that will remain occupied at the time of the freezing of the war.

According to the document, Ukraine will have to guarantee its non-aligned status until 2040, and Russia will have to give up its objections to Ukraine's accession to the EU.

In addition, the plan includes a mutual commitment by the USA and Russia not to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances, as well as the renewal of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (START), provided that it is impossible to unilaterally withdraw from it in the future.

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