8 July 2024, Monday, 15:49
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Polish Minister Of Internal Affairs Comments On Tightening Of Control At Małaszewicze Terminal

Polish Minister Of Internal Affairs Comments On Tightening Of Control At Małaszewicze Terminal

It was a signal to the Lukashenka regime.

In early July, Poland blocked railway traffic for 33 hours at the customs clearance terminal in Małaszewicze on the border with Belarus. Officially, the customs authorities reported that routine control measures were taken to protect the customs territory of the EU from the arrival of dangerous goods or substances.

The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland, Tomasz Siemoniak, commented on the information about the tightening of control at the terminal in Malaszewicze. He attributed this to the migration crisis and the lack of cooperation from the Belarusian side in the case of the death of the Polish soldier Mateusz Sitek at the border.

"We apply procedures, procedures in the interests of our state, also showing our position on various issues," he said on the "Signals of the Day" show of the Polish radio.

The Minister stressed that the fulfillment of the prescriptions cannot be associated with any charges. At the same time, he noted that Belarus should draw conclusions.

“Belarus, which should be interested in improving relations with Poland, should draw conclusions from different situations. Indeed, the fact that Andrzej Poczobut is in prison, the fact that Belarus does not want to give us the murderer of a Polish soldier are things outside the discussion about relations between the two countries.

It just has to be done. How can the Belarusian authorities have any attitude towards relations with Poland, when in fact they are protecting the murderer of a Polish soldier? These are things that show that we, too, have to look for different means of response. Here we are talking about compliance with regulations, and our services, in this case, tax and customs services simply comply with the regulations," the minister continued.

Tomasz Siemoniak also assured that the Polish services will not rest until they find the murderer of Mateusz Sitek. He refused to disclose new details of the investigation.

“We will not rest until we find and accuse the killer who attacked our soldier at the border. For almost 10 years, we have been pursuing all participants in the attack on Polish soldiers on December 21, 2011, when 5 Polish soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, so here — governments will change — this will always be our priority. I do not understand the reason why Belarus does not cooperate in this situation. We are talking about a situation that is absolutely clear. We're not talking about a political refugee. We are just talking about a murderer who attacked our soldier with a knife, who did nothing to him, only covered a hole in the wall with a shield. Why does Belarus keep such people and take it personally, does not cooperate with Poland?" he said.

The Minister added that the Polish side is looking for different ways to influence the official Minsk.

"We do everything, including talking to other states that can influence the actions of Belarus, to make it clear to Lukashenka that Poland won't tolerate it more, that's enough, and we will not allow such actions anymore. We have no doubt that Belarus regulates traffic at the border. Lukashenka could stop it by one decision, he can close it, instead, he allows his services to actively participate in this process. We will also look for different ways to respond," Tomasz Siemoniak said.

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