26 June 2024, Wednesday, 3:54
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Actor from scandalous Belarusian short movie about grandma’s passport sacked (Video)


An actor of the popular short movie was the next after the film director to be fired.

The actor from Yauhen Shapchyts’s movie about the grandma and her passport lost his job today. Pavel Bandzich is sure he was fired on an order of the secret services, the website “My” writes.

We remind that the movie “Hide Your Grandma’s Passport” became a hit on the Belarusian Internet. Soon after the release, Yauhen Shapchyts, the young film director, was fired from the Belarusian TV.

Pavel Bandzich, who played a chavish signature collector for Zhyrafenka, was also sacked. The young maw was in charge of a theatre society in Sakharov University.

“According to my education, I can work in film directing, pedagogical or entertainment spheres. I didn’t have any problems in the collective. A reason for my firing? ‘Well, you understand it yourself…’ I didn’t appeal against the dismissal and won’t do it. They are good people,” Bandzich said.

He is convinced that ideologists from the secret services stand behind his and Shapchyts’s dismissals.

“I am far from politics. But I have no doubts it has interfered with the situation,” Bandzich stressed.

The guy hasn’t start looking for job yet. He says he was offered a job of a tractor driver adding that he has a license to drive tractors.

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