17 February 2025, Monday, 16:42
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Belarusian Dream: Truth about presidential election (Full version)

Belarusian Dream documentary about the latest presidential election and the political situation in Belarus was secretly presented in Minsk on Sunday.

Preparations for the private screening of the movie were held in secret. The film tells the story of a young guy from Minsk, who has been living in the “last dictatorship of Europe” for the last 18 years. The movie is based on the events in Belarus in 2010-2011: the presidential campaign, crackdown on dissent, trials over Belarusian opposition representatives, and the way these events influence the life of the most “stable” post-Soviet republic, “Belorusski Partizan” writes.

Belarusian Dream is a story showing how the regime can break people and how one can be happy even in a country with total control of everything. Belarusian Dream is the first independent movie about the Square 2010, the post-election protests.

The film was made by journalist of Channel One (Russia) Ekaterina Kibalchich, who born in Minsk in 1982. After graduation from the faculty of journalism of the Belarusian State University she worked for “Svobodnye Novosti” newspaper and later, since June 2002 – in a news programme on ONT channel. She moved to Moscow in August 2003 to become a correspondent in “Glavnaya Tema” on Channel 3. She has been a journalist for “Voskresnoye Vremya” (Sunday Time) on Channel One since 2005.

Camera operators Alyaksandr Barazenka, Tatsyana Haurylchyk and Alyaksandr Patseyeu, rap singer Vincent (soundtracks) and Dzyanis Tarasenka (voice over and actor) worked on the film.

“I could not restrain my tears. I was recalling everything, these ten months of trials and proceedings. I went through it again. I think many people should watch the movie. It gives a desire to watch it again. The film is painful, but I’d like to feel some moments more deeply,” Alena Likhavid, the mother of a former political prisoner, thinks.

The documentary will be shown in Moscow’s club PirOGI at 7:00 pm November 7. It also expected to be presented in Warsaw and Berlin.

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