23 June 2024, Sunday, 6:45
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English anarchists call for support for belarusian political prisoners

English anarchists call for support for belarusian political prisoners

British anti-fascists and anarchists remind us of their like-minded people in Belarus, who are now in prison.

Of the 7 prisoners, only one is held in Russia. He is expected to be out on parole soon. Rest of the six prisoners are from Belarus, they were all jailed last years for suspected insurgent activities against the Lukashenko regime. Five of them are anarchists, whereas sixth, Jauhen Vas'kovich, is a Christian democrat who decided to join with anarchist activists.

Note that Belarus is a bilingual country, official and preferred names of most of the arrested are in Belarusian language, thus we list prisoners by their Belarusian names. But as prisoner registry of prisons is organised in Russian language, we list addresses with Russian names, when they differ from Belarusian names. Below,

Ihar Alinevich

Olinevich Igor Vladimirovich Otryad 12, Brigada 120, IU "IK-10",

Tehnicheskaya ul. 8, g. Novopolotsk 211445 Vitebskaya oblast Belarus

Mikalaj Dziadok

Dedok Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Otryad 4, IK-15 p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoe shosse, 183, 213105 Mogilev Belarus

Aliaksandar Frantskievich

Frantskevich Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Otryad 2, IK-22 "Volchi nory" st.

Domanovo, Ivachevichkiy rayon 225295 Brestskaya oblast Belarus

Artsiom Prakapenka

Otryad 15, IK-17 213004 Shklov, Mogilevskaya oblast Belarus

Pavel Syramolatau

IK-19, Slavgorodskoe shosse 3 km, 213030 Mogilev Belarus

Jauhen Vas'kovich

Yevgeni Sergeevich Vas'kovich Tyurma 4, ul. Krupskoy 99A 212011 Mogilev Belarus

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