26 June 2024, Wednesday, 2:47
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Veranika Mishchanka: Today’s Power Will Scatter Like Pile Of Ashes

Veranika Mishchanka: Today’s Power Will Scatter Like Pile Of Ashes

Such an interesting allegory sounded at the legal demonstration in defense of the Belarusian independence.

Activist of the Narodnaya Hramada party Veranika Mishchanka spoke at the legal demonstration in defense of the Belarusian independence:

“This power has burnt itself down, and will scatter like a pile of ashes. Thanks everyone who came to this demonstration, as well as those who watched it online. We believe, we can, we will win!”

During the legal demonstration, the Narodnaya Hramada activists, as well as the participants of their nomination groups, decided to withdraw from the “elections”. To demonstrate their determination, they burnt down the relevant certificates, issued by the Central Elections Commission.

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